Thermal coating of high-performance polymers
Authors: Prof. Dr.Ing. habil. Bernhard Wielage, Dipl.-Ing. Gerd Paczkowski, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht, Dr.-Ing Ruben Winkler
In the present article, strategies for the coating of high-performance polymers (unreinforced PEEK and PEEK reinforced with short carbon fibres) are derived from theoretical contemplations and numerical calculations and their practical implementation is portrayed. By optimising various test parameters, it was possible to apply high-quality coats by means of thermal spraying. In this respect, technical significance is primarily attached to multilayer systems consisting of metallic alloys and ceramic top coats. The combination of properties between electrical conductivity, electromagnetic shielding and surface wear protection (hardfacing) improves the utilisation possibilities of PEEK polymers and permits logically consistent lightweight construction while exploiting the outstanding material properties of these thermoplastics.
Pages: 148 - 152

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