- Thermal Spray Bulletin
- Autoren
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht
Dr. Ing. Christian Rupprecht worked in the Plasma-Arc Powder Surfacing Division at CEWOTEC GmbH in 2002. He obtained his degree at the Technical University of Chemnitz on a thermal spraying subject in 2005. As an employee at the Professorship for Composite Materials, he obtained his doctorate in 2009 and is currently dealing with the development of spraying torches and materials, process diagnostics as well as thin-coat technology (PVD and CVD processes). He is the Head of the Thermal Spraying Department at IWW and is in charge of a subproject in Special Research Field 692.
14 Artikel
Compaction, smoothing and hardening of thermally sprayed coatings by means of ultrasonic machining
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht, Dr.-Ing. Niyameddin Süleymanov, Dr.-Ing. Georg Thomas, M. Sc. Finn Martin, M. Sc. Marius Limburg, Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Michael Schneeweiß, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Zinke, Dr.-Ing. Jan Glühmann
Peer-reviewed Papers, 88 - 95
Development of wear protection materials on the basis of amorphously solidifying alloys with particle reinforcement
Prof. Dr.Ing. habil. Bernhard Wielage, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Lampke, Dr.-Ing. habil. Hanna Pokhmurska, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Rupprecht, Dipl.-Ing. Rico Drehmann
Peer-reviewed Papers, 121 - 128