Development of a cost-favourable corrosion resistant Fe-based spraying feedstock for the printing industry
Authors: Dipl.-Ing. Lina Lie, Dipl.-Chem. André Langohr, Dipl.-Min. Martin Erne, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai Möhwald, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h. c. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach
For quite a long time, the aim has been to establish cost-favourable iron-based materials for certain applications in corrosion and wear protection as a substitute for the nickel-based coating systems. An increased corrosion resistance of this material group can be obtained due to the fact that the material exhibits amorphous solidification during the spraying as a result of targeted alloy development. Thus, there is no longer any potential caused by intercrystalline corrosion. The object of this work was the material development of an iron-based system which constitutes a substantial cost reduction in comparison with Ni-based materials due to an iron proportion of > 50 % by mass and due to the abandonment of expensive alloying elements such as W, Mo, Mn and rare earth elements which are added to marketable, corrosion-resistant Fe systems.
Pages: 114 - 120

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