Bactericidal effect of cold sprayed titanium dioxidecoatings
Authors: Dipl.-Phys. M. Sc. Jan-Oliver Kliemann, Dipl.-Biol. Henrik Gabriel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Klassen, Dipl.-Phys. Henning Gutzmann, Dr. Frank Gärtner
Titanium dioxide in anatase phase structure has high antibacterial activity. For this study, titanium dioxide coatings on stainless steel were produced by cold spraying. The bactericidal effect of the coatings was tested with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. A kill rate of 99,99% in UV-A light was already achieved after 5 minutes, while the raw stainless steel reference did not show any significant reduction even after 60 minutes. The results show that cold-sprayed titanium dioxide coatings can serve as self-disinfecting surfaces.
Pages: 110 - 114

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