Microstructured materials on an Fe basisand corresponding processing methods for wear and corrosion protection
Authors: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Wolfgang Tillmann, Dipl.-Ing. Bastian Rüther
This article deals with the production of Fe-based micropowders (5 - 15 μm) on the basis of a traditional arc spraying process. In this respect, the effects of the spraying parameters and of individual manufacturing sections on the properties of the micropowder are investigated in particular. The knowledge obtained in this way is used for the optimisation of the process configuration such as the reproducibility, the economic viability, the particle size distribution and others. The W2 project entitled "Fe-based micropowder alloy" is a subproject of the AiF/DFG research cluster called "Thermal spraying".
Pages: 130 - 137

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